作者:吐鲁番博物馆 吐鲁番学研究院

Establishment of the Anxi Protectorate at Yar City
The Tang Empire pacified the Qocho Kingdom and then founded the Xizhou Prefecture.The Tang Dynasty opened up a new era in the history of the Western Regions by establishing the first military prefecture in Yar City. The Anxi Protectorate was located in Yar City and exercised authority over the Western Regions.Xizhou Prefecture thereafter became an important political center and military outpost under the jurisdiction of the Tang Dynasty in the Western Regions.In order to strengthen unification of the Western Regions,Anxi Protectorate's seat of government occasionally shifted location between Qiuci and Yar City or Qocho City.With the establishment of Four Garrison Commands of Anxi,the Anxi Protectorate was promoted to the Grand Anxi Protectorate,assuming responsibility for governing the military and political affairs in the vast land.In Yar City,an important hub on the Silk Roads,merchants gathered and international trade flourished.
安西都护府区域示意图 Schematic Drawing of Anxi Protectorate
安西都护府印谱临摹图 Collection of Draft Copy of Seals of Anxi
丝路遗珠: 交河故城、高昌故城申报世界文化遗产文物精品展/吐鲁番博物馆,吐鲁番学研究院编著.-上海: 上海古籍出版社, 2014;