作者:吐鲁番博物馆 吐鲁番学研究院

Qocho City
Qocho City was the largest major urban center in Turpan Basin in the southern foot of the Tian-shan Mountains,dating back from the 1st century BC to the 14th century AD.Through the course of history,this region was known successively as the Qocho Garrison, Qocho Commandery,and the capital of the Kingdom of Qocho,capital of Xizhou Prefecture in the Tang Dynasty, capital of Uyghur Kingdom of Qocho.For more than 1,400 years,Qocho City witnessed the important role played by the empires in Central China of facilitating and safeguarding the extension and prosperity of the Silk Roads.The site witnesses the civilizations of the Kingdom of Qocho,Xizhou Prefecture of Tang Dynasty and the Uyghur Kingdom of Qocho in the Western Regions of ancient times.Moreover,Qocho City was in an important position in terms of the region's economic development, urban architectural skills,various religions, cultural exchanges,and the spread of multi-ethnic cultures.
Located at the southern foot of the Flaming Mountains,30km east of the city of Turpan,the Site of Qocho City takes up a total area of about 198 hectares in the form of an irregular square with a perimeter of 5.4km.The city is composed of the outer city with high and thick walls built with rammed earth,the inner city, and towering Khan Fort.The triple-circle layout of the city shows a close correlation to cities in Central China.The names of the city gates were based on the Five Elements and astronomical phenomena.The remains of the outer city's moat,barbican entrance,Mamian(prominent abutment of the wall for defense,shaped like a horse's face),the Buddhist Temples and Residences of inner city are still discernile.There were clearly exchanges in the arena of urban culture and architectural skills between Centreal China and Qocho City as Qocho was one of the hubs for the Central China dynasties to manage the Western Regions.Demonstrating the value characteristics of the Site of Qocho City,porcelains, coins as well as a large number of Buddhists,Nestorian Christian and Manichean murals and scriptures were unearthed from palaces and monasteries.Those items accurately record the important role that Qocho City played in politics,economy,trade,culture,religion, and ethnicity on the Silk Roads.
丝路遗珠: 交河故城、高昌故城申报世界文化遗产文物精品展/吐鲁番博物馆,吐鲁番学研究院编著.-上海: 上海古籍出版社, 2014;