Preludial Photos
第一章 蜚声中外的汉武帝茂陵
Chapter I Domestically & Internationally Famed Maoling Mausoleum
一、茂陵纪事 02
A Maoling Mausoleum
茂陵全景 02
Panorama of Maoling Mausoleum
茂陵近景 03
Close Shot of Maoling Mausoleum
汉武帝画像 03
Portrait of Emperor Wudi,the Han
二、茂陵陵园的典型性 04
B Typical Characteristics of Maoling Mausoleum Area
集仙台遗址 04
Remains Site of Tombs Group
白鹤馆遗址 04
Remains Site of White Crane Pavilion
三、茂陵陵园的特殊性 05
C Unique Characteristics of Maoling Mausoleum Area
清·陕西巡抚毕沅书立茂陵碑 06
Inscription on the Tombstone of Maoling Mausoleum by BiYuan,Governor of Shaanxi in the Qing Dynasty
1961年3月,国务院公布的第一批全国重点文物保护单位茂陵标志碑 06
Mark of first batch list for key cultural relics of the nation under state protection in March,1961
四、茂陵城邑的重要性 07
D Importance of Maoling as Township
茂陵陵区复原图 07
Restored map of Maoling Mausoleum Area
第二章 形制奇异的茂陵陪葬墓
Chapter II Peculiar forms of Satellite Tombs at Maoling Mausoleum
茂陵陪葬墓分布示意图 14
Sketch map of distribution of satellite tombs at Maoling Mausoleum
一、骠骑将军大司马霍去病墓——冢象祁连山俗称“石岑子” 15
A Tomb of Huo Qubing,Cavary Commander & Great Minister of War
霍去病画像 15
Portrait of Huo Qubing
上世纪20年代末,法国考古学家密特朗拍摄的霍去病墓照片 15
Tomb of Huo Qubing photoed by French archaeologist Mitterrand towards the end of 20's of the last century
今日之霍去病墓隐现在青松翠柏中 16
Tomb of Huo Qubing shaded in pines and cypresses
清·陕西巡抚毕沅书立霍去病墓碑 17
Inscription on the Tombstone of Huo Qubing by Bi Yuan,Governor of Shaanxi in the Qing Dynasty
1961年3月,国务院公布的第一批全国重点文物保护单位霍去病墓标志碑 17
Mark of first batch list for key cultural relics of the nation under state protection in March,1961
昔日霍去病墓前巨石群雕展出实景照 18
Past photo of huge stone sculptures at the Graveyard of Huo Qubing
二、大将军大司马卫青墓——冢象庐山 19
B Tomb of Wei Qing,Chief Commander & Great Minister of War
卫青墓全景 19
Tomb of Wei Qing in panoramic view
三、阳信长公主墓——俗称“羊头冢” 2l
C Tomb of Princess Yangxin,Senior
阳信长公主墓全景 22
Tomb of Princess Yangxin,Senior in panoramic view
四、倾城倾国李夫人英陵——俗称“磨子陵” 23
D Tomb of Madame Li,Beauty beyond Description in Words
李夫人墓全景 23
Tomb of Madame Li in panoramic view
清·陕西巡抚毕沅书立“汉李夫人英陵”墓碑 25
Tombstone bearing inscription: Yingling Mausoleum of Madame Li,Han written by Bi Yuan,Governor of Shaanxi in the Qing Dynasty
五、匈奴王太子、汉武忠臣金日磾墓 26
E Tomb of Jin Midi,Crown Prince of the Hun King but Loyal Officer of the Han
金日磾墓全景 26
Tomb of Jin Midi in panoramic view
六、西汉三朝重臣霍光墓——西汉唯一享受皇帝葬制的陪葬墓 27
F Tomb of Huo Guang,Important Councilor of the Han Dynasty
霍光墓全景 27
Tomb of Huo Guang in panoramic view
第三章 纪功碑式的巨石雕刻群
Chapter III Monumental Huge Stone Sculptures
一、茂陵国宝——巨石群雕十二品 40
A National Treasures at Maoling Mausoleum-Twelve Pieces of Huge Stone Sculptures
01 马踏匈奴 40
Hun Invader Hoofed by Warhorse
02 起马 41
Horse Squatting for Action
03 跃马 42
Horse Ready to Leap
04 石人 43
Stone Man
05 人与熊 44
Man against Bear
06 怪兽吃羊 45
Monster Preying on Sheep
07 野猪 45
08 伏虎 46
Tiger Squatting for Action
09 卧牛 48
Ox Squatting at Leisure
10 卧象 48
Elephant Squatting at Leisure
11 蛙 50
12 蟾 50
二、巨石雕刻 51
B Huge Stone Sculptures
13 石鱼(两件) 5l
Stone Fish (2 pieces)
14 “左司空”石刻题记(两件) 52
Inscribed Characters of Memorial:‘zuo si kong’(2 pieces)
15 “平原乐陵宿伯牙霍巨益”石刻题记 53
Inscribed Characters of Memorial:‘Shu Boya,Huo Juyi from Leling of Pingyuan’
三、群雕创作背景和意境 54
C Background and Imagination behind Huge Stone Sculptures
四、百家评鉴与文物价值 59
D Different Appraisals & Value of Cultural Relics
五、贾平凹《“卧虎”说》 65
E Jia Pingwa's On Squatting Tiger
第四章 茂陵出土的馆藏珍宝
Chapter IV Unearthed Treasures from Maoling Mausoleum
一、鎏金银器 70
A Gold-gilt Silver Wares
16 鎏金铜马 71
Gold-gilt Bronze Horse
17 鎏金银高擎竹节熏炉 72
Gold and Silver-gilt Fumigator on Bamboo-shaped Supporter
18 鎏金铜虎镇 73
Gold-gilt Bronze Tiger Guardian
19 鎏金铜熏炉 74
Gold-gilt Bronze Fumigator
20 鎏金铜凤 75
Gold-gilt Bronze Phoenix
21 鎏金铜盆 75
Gold-gilt Bronze Basin
22 鎏金铜甗 76
Gold-gilt Bronze Cooking Utensil
23 鎏金柿蒂铜漆耳杯座 78
Gold-gilt Bronze Eared Cup Seat
24 鎏金漆耳杯及座 79
Gold-gilt Bronze Eared Cup & Cup Seat
25 错金银铜犀尊 80
Gold and Silver-inlaid Bronze Vessel of Rhino Shape
26 鎏金蹄形案足 82
Gold-gilt Hoof-shaped Table Leg
27 鎏金案栏 82
Gold-gilt Hoof-shaped Table Edge
28 鎏金弩机与铜镞 83
Gold-gilt Crossbow Trigger & Bronze Arrowhead
29 错金银铜弩机 84
Gold-inlaid Silver Crossbow Trigger
30 错银铜车饰 84
Silver-inlaid Decoration on Bronze Carriage
31 错金铜车饰 85
Gold-inlaid Decoration on Bronze Carriage
32 错金银铜虎镇 85
Gold and Silver-inlaid Bronze Tiger Guardian
33 兽头银盘 86
Silver Plate in Pattern of Beast Head
34 错金“一刀平五千”铜钱 87
Gold-inlaid Bronze Coin of Knife Shape
二、玉石器 88
B Jade Articles
35 四神纹玉雕铺首 90
Jade Knocker Base with Guardian Carved at Four Corners
36 谷纹琉璃璧 91
Glazed Jade Carved into Grain
37 玉璧 91
Round Flat Jade with Hole at Center
38 白玉猪 92
White Marble Carved into Pig
39 系璧 93
Burial Jade with Hole at center
40 石圭 93
Stone Scepture
41 玉环 94
Jade Ring
42 玉锁 94
Jade Lock
43 口含 95
Piece-in-Mouth after Death
44 口含 95
Piece-in-Mouth after Death
45 口含 96
Piece-in-Mouth after Death
46 石虎镇 96
Stone Press Carved into Tiger
47 石虎镇 97
Stone Press Carved into Tiger
48 石虎镇 98
Stone Press Carved into Tiger
49 石猪 98
Stone Carved into Pig
三、青铜器 99
C Bronze Wares
50 四神温酒器 100
Bronze Vessel of Wine Warmer Decorative with Four Guardians
51 温酒器 101
Bronze Vessel of Wine Warmer
52 温酒器 102
Bronze Vessel of Wine Warmer
53 温酒器 103
Bronze Vessel of Wine Warmer
54 铜斗 103
Bronze Scoop
55 提链暖炉 104
Bronze Chain-lifted Heater
56 铜温手炉及承盘 105
Bronze Hand-warmer and Base Plate
57 云气纹朱雀熏炉 106
Bronze Fumigator Decorative with Rosefinch
58 铜透雕云纹熏炉 106
Bronze Fumigator Decorative with Circular Knob
59 温手炉承盘 107
Bronze Base Plate for Hand-warmer
60 铜鼎 108
Bronze Tripod
61 水衡鼎 109
Bronze Tripod
62 水衡鼎 110
Bronze Tripod
63 铜甑 111
Bronze Steamer
64 铜盉 111
Bronze Vessel of Wine Warmer
65 铜灯(锭) 112
Bronze Lamp
66 铜灯 112
Bronze Lamp
67 “横山宫”行灯 113
Bronze Lamp
68 筒形组合灯 114
Bronze Combination Lamp of Cylindrical Shape
69 铜漏壶 115
Bronze Pot
70 铜锺 115
Bronze Vessel
71 铜锺 116
Bronze Vessel
72 铜钫 117
Bronze Vessel of Wine Container
73 铜钫 117
Bronze Vessel of Wine Container
74 铜蒜头壶 118
Bronze Pot Resembling Garlic Bulb
75 铜蒜头壶 118
Bronze Pot Resembling Garlic Bulb
76 铜扁壶 119
Bronze Oblate Pot
77 双耳铜鍪 119
Bronze Griddle
78 朱雀纹铜洗 120
Bronze Basin with Rosefinch Decoration
79 铜盆 121
Bronze Basin
80 铜洗 121
Bronze Basin
81 铜洗 122
Bronze Basin
82 铜三足壶 122
Bronze Pot
83 铜熨铫 123
Bronze Vessel
84 铜灶 123
Bronze Kitchen Range
85 铜臼 124
Bronze Mortar
86 铜簪 125
Bronze Hairpin
87 铜龙形带钩 125
Bronze Hook Resembling Dragon
88 铜铺首衔环 126
Bronze Circular Ring Hanging on Knocker Base
89 铜合页 127
Bronze Hinges
90 老鼠吃葡萄 127
Bronze Mouse Eating Grape
91 铜龟负螺山 128
Bronze Tortoise Backing Conch Shells
92 铜熊虎镇 129
Bronze Press Resembling Bear against Tiger
93 铜马 129
Bronze Horse
94 铜牛 130
Bronze Ox
95 铜龟 130
Bronze Tortoise
96 汉半两铜钱 131
Bronze Coin in Face Value of‘Ban Liang’
97 汉五铢铜钱 132
Bronze Coin in Face Value of‘Wu Zhu’
98 契刀五百 133
Bronze Coin Resembling Knife Shape in Face Value of‘WuBai’
99 汉货布 133
Bronze Coin Resembling Spade Shape
100 货泉 134
Bronze Coin in Face Value of‘Huo Quan’
101 大布黄千 134
Bronze Coin Resembling Spade Shape
102 幺布二百 135
Bronze Coin Resembling Spade Shape
103 大泉五十 135
Bronze Coin in Face Value of‘Da Quan Wu Shi’
104 小泉直一 136
Bronze Coin in Face Value of‘Xiao Quan Zhi Yi’
105 巍率善氐仟长印 136
Bronze Seal
106 延寿宝印 137
Bronze Seal
107 杜护印 137
Bronze Seal
108 四螭四乳镜 138
Bronze Mirror Bearing Patterns of Hornless Dragon with Knob
109 星云纹镜 139
Bronze Mirror with Decorative Patterns Resembling Nubela
110 星云纹镜 139
Bronze Mirror with Decorative Patterns Resembling Nubela
111 四乳草叶纹镜 140
Bronze Mirror with Decorative Patterns Resembling Grass Leaves
112 四乳草叶纹镜 140
Bronze Mirror with Decorative Patterns Resembling Grass Leaves
113 四乳草叶纹镜 141
Bronze Mirror with Decorative Patterns Resembling Grass Leaves
114 铜华连弧纹镜 142
Bronze Mirror
115 昭明镜 143
Bronze Mirror
116 昭明镜 143
Bronze Mirror
117 “孔记”四乳镜 144
Bronze Mirror
118 “长宜子孙”连弧纹镜 144
Bronze Mirror with Carved Characters‘chang yi zi sun’
119 清白连弧纹镜 145
Bronze Mirror
四、铁器 146
D Iron Wares
120 铁槽 147
Iron Trough
121 “大泉五十”铁钱范 148
Iron Coin Mould with Carved Characters‘Da Quan Wu Shi’
122 铁车轮 148
Iron Wheel
123 铁夯头 149
Iron Rammer Head
124 铁锛 149
Iron Adez
125 铁铧 150
Iron Ploughshare
126 铁重铧 150
Iron Double Ploughshare
127 铁斧 151
Iron Axe
128 铁镰 151
Iron Sickle
129 铁锄 152
Iron Hoe
130 铁手铐 152
Iron Handcuffs
131 铁钳 153
Iron Clamp
132 铁钳 153
Iron Clamp
五、陶俑 154
E Pottery Figures
133 彩绘驭手俑 155
Painted Pottery Figure as Carriage Driver
134 彩绘驭手俑 156
Painted Pottery Figure as Carriage Driver
135 彩绘跽坐俑 156
Painted Pottery Figure on Knees
136 彩绘男立俑 157
Painted Pottery Standing Figure(M)
137 彩绘男立俑 158
Painted Pottery Standing Figure(M)
138 彩绘男立俑 159
Painted Pottery Standing Figure(M)
139 男裸体俑 160
Naked Pottery Figure(M)
140 男裸体俑 160
Naked Pottery Figure(M)
141 彩绘裸体女立俑 161
Naked Standing Pottery Figure in Paint(F)
142 彩绘裸体女立俑 161
Naked Standing Pottery Figure in Paint(F)
143 彩绘女立俑 162
Painted Standing Pottery Figure(F)
144 彩绘女立俑 163
Painted Standing Pottery Figure(F)
145 彩绘女立俑 164
Painted Standing Pottery Figure(F)
146 彩绘女立俑 164
Painted Standing Pottery Figure(F)
147 彩绘女立俑 165
Painted Standing Pottery Figure(F)
148 彩绘女立俑 165
Painted Standing Pottery Figure(F)
149 陶鸡 166
Pottery Cock
150 绿釉陶鸡 166
Green Glazed Pottery Cock
151 陶猪 167
Pottery Pig
152 陶猪 167
Pottery Pig
153 绿釉陶猪 168
Pottery Pig
154 黄釉陶猴 168
Yellow Glazed Pottery Monkeys
155 绿釉骑马俑 169
Green Glazed Cavalryman
156 陶鸭 170
Pottery Duck
157 绿釉陶鸭 170
Green Glazed Duck
158 绿釉陶鸭 171
Green Glazed Duck
159 绿釉陶鸭 171
Green Glazed Duck
160 陶兔 172
Pottery Rabbit
161 陶狗 172
Pottery Dog
162 绿釉陶狗 173
Green Glazed Pottery Dog
163 绿釉陶狗 173
Green Glazed Pottery Dog
164 黄釉陶鹰 174
Yellow Glazed Pottery Eagle
165 陶鸽 174
Pottery Pigeon
166 陶羊 175
Pottery Sheep
167 陶牛 175
Pottery Ox
168 陶猫头鹰座 176
Pottery Base Resembling Awl
169 陶狗熊座 176
Pottery Base Resembling Black Bear
170 彩绘陶马 177
Painted Pottery Horse
171 陶马头 178
Pottery Horse Head
六、陶器 179
F Pottery Articles
172 陶磨 181
Pottery Millstone
173 黄釉陶灶 181
Yellow Glazed Pottery Kitchen Range
174 绿釉陶灶 182
Green Glazed Pottery Kitchen Range
175 褐釉陶灶 182
Brown Glazed Pottery Kitchen Range
176 灰陶灶 183
Grey Pottery Kitchen Range
177 黄釉陶灶 183
Yellow Glazed Pottery Kitchen Range
178 “小豆一京”黄釉陶仓 184
Yellow Glazed Pottery Barn
179 黄釉陶仓 185
Yellow Glazed Pottery Barn
180 绿釉陶仓 185
Green Glazed Pottery Barn
181 彩绘陶方仓 186
Painted Pottery Barn
182 陶囷 186
Pottery Barn
183 陶方仓 187
Pottery Barn
184 陶井 187
Pottery Well
185 黄釉陶鼎 188
Yellow Glazed Pottery Tripod
186 黄釉陶豆 188
Yellow Glazed Pottery Lamp
187 黄釉陶壶 189
Yellow Glazed Pottery Pot
188 茧形陶壶 189
Pottery Pot Resembling Cocoon
189 兽带纹绿釉陶壶 190
Green Glazed Pottery Pot
190 绿釉陶壶 190
Green Glazed Pottery Pot
191 黄釉陶壶 191
Yellow Glazed Pottery Pot
192 黄釉陶壶 191
Yellow Glazed Pottery Pot
193 陶背壶 192
Pottery Pot
194 黄釉陶罐 192
Yellow Glazed Pottery Pot
195 陶罈 193
Pottery Pot
196 陶罐 194
Pottery Jar
197 陶瓮 194
Pottery Urn
198 绿釉陶奁 195
Green Glazed Pottery Toilet Kit
199 陶瓶 196
Pottery Bottle
200 陶钵 196
Pottery Bowl
201 彩陶盒 197
Painted Pottery Case
七、陶质建筑器材 198
G Pottery Construction Materials
202 陶阙 198
Pottery Watchtower in Pairs
203 五边形陶水道管 199
Pottery Water Pipe of Pentagon Shape
204 陶水道管 199
Pottery Water Pipe
205 拐角形陶水道管 200
Cornered Pottery Water Pipe
206 板瓦 201
Plate Tile
207 筒瓦 201
Semi-circular Eaves Tile
208 几何纹童棺 202
Children Coffin Decorative with Geometrical Patterns
209 几何纹童棺 202
Children Coffin Decorative with Geometrical Patterns
八、四神纹空心砖 203
H Hollow Bricks with Guardian Decoration at Four Corners
210 朱雀纹空心砖 209
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Rosefinch
211 玄武纹空心砖 210
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Tortoise-Snake
212 玄武纹空心砖 210
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Tortoise-Snake
213 青龙纹空心砖 211
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Green Dragon
214 白虎纹空心砖 211
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling White Tiger
215 虎纹砖 212
Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Tiger
216 几何纹方砖 212
Square Brick with Decorative Geometrical Patterns
217 几何纹空心砖 213
Hollow Brick with Decorative Geometrical Patterns
218 方格纹方砖 213
Square Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Nets
219 “畢”字空心砖 214
Hollow Brick with Carved Character ‘Bi’
220 “生未央,利千萬”瑞兽纹空心砖 215
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Auspicious Beasts
221 “萬世無極”空心砖 216
Hollow Brick with Carved Characters‘Wan Shi Wu Ji’
222 卷云纹空心砖 216
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Cirrus
223 卷云纹空心砖 217
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Cirrus & Studs
224 卷云纹空心砖 217
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Cirrus
225 卷云纹空心砖 218
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Cirrus & Studs
226 卷云四出联珠纹空心砖 218
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Cirrus & Chained Pearls
227 流云三珠纹空心砖 219
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Drifting Clouds & Chained Pearls
228 流云绕珠纹空心砖 219
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Drifting Clouds & Chained Pearls
229 乳钉联珠纹空心砖 220
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Studs & Chained Pearls
230 乳钉纹空心砖 220
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Studs
231 四出联珠纹空心砖 221
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Chained Pearls
232 四出联珠纹空心砖 221
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Chained Pearls
233 四出联珠纹空心砖 222
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Chained Pearls
234 联珠纹空心砖 223
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Chained Pearls
235 四珠纹空心砖 223
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Chained Pearls
236 乳钉纹空心砖 224
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Studs & Chained Pearls
237 乳钉树叶纹空心砖 224
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Studs & Tree Leaves
238 乳钉树叶纹空心砖 225
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Studs & Tree Leaves
239 乳钉纹空心砖 226
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Studs
240 蝌蚪纹空心砖 226
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Tadpoles
241 五珠纹空心砖 227
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Wuzhu Coins
242 菱形乳钉纹空心砖 227
Hollow Brick with Decorative Patterns Resembling Studs
九、瓦当 228
I Eaves Tiles
243 “屯泽流池”瓦当 229
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Tun Ze Liu Chi’
244 “道德顺序”瓦当 230
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Dao De Shun Xu’
245 “流远屯美”瓦当 230
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Liu Yuan Tun Mei’
246 “光耀西宇”瓦当 231
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Guang Yao Xi Yu’
247 “加气始降”瓦当 231
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Jia Qi Shi Jiang’
248 十二字瓦当 232
Eaves Tile with Twelve Carved Characters
249 “上林”瓦当 233
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Shang Lin’
250 “车”瓦当 234
Eaves Tile with Carved Character‘Che’
251 “延年益寿”瓦当 234
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Yan Nian Yi Shou'
252 “延年益寿”瓦当 235
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Yan Nian Yi Shou’
253 “延年益寿”瓦当 235
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Yan Nian Yi Shou’
254 “千秋万岁”瓦当 236
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Qian Qiu Wan Sui’
255 “千秋万岁”瓦当 236
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Qian Qiu Wan Sui’
256 “千秋万岁”瓦当 237
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Qian Qiu Wan Sui’
257 “长生未央”瓦当 237
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Chang Sheng Wei Yang’
258 “长生无极”瓦当 238
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Chang Sheng Wu Ji’
259 “长乐未央”瓦当 239
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Chang Le Wei Yang’
260 “长乐未央”瓦当 239
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Chang Le Wei Yang’
261 “长乐未央”瓦当 240
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Chang Le Wei Yang’
262 “长乐未央”瓦当 240
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Chang Le Wei Yang’
263 “永奉无疆”瓦当 241
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Yong Feng Wu Jiang’
264 “永受嘉福”瓦当 241
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Yong Shou Jia Fu’
265 “泱茫无垠”瓦当 242
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Yang Mang Wu Yin’
266 “长乐未央”瓦当 242
Eaves Tile with Carved Characters‘Chang Le Wei Yang’
267 乳钉云纹瓦当 243
Eaves Tile with Decorative Patterns Resembling Stud-shaped Clouds
268 网珠云纹瓦当 243
Eaves Tile with Decorative Patterns Resembling Nets & Pearls with Clouds
269 网珠云纹瓦当 244
Eaves Tile with Decorative Patterns Resembling Nets & Pearls with Clouds
270 网珠云纹瓦当 245
Eaves Tile with Decorative Patterns Resembling Nets & Pearls with Clouds
271 网珠云纹瓦当 245
Eaves Tile with Decorative Patterns Resembling Nets & Pearls with Clouds
272 网珠云纹瓦当 246
Eaves Tile with Decorative Patterns Resembling Nets & Pearls with Clouds
273 网珠云纹瓦当 246
Eaves Tile with Decorative Patterns Resembling Nets & Pearls with Clouds
274 四叶云纹瓦当 247
Eaves Tile with Decorative Patterns Resembling Tree Leaves & Clouds
275 曲尺云纹瓦当 248
Eaves Tile with Decorative Patterns Resembling Angle Squares & Clouds
276 网心云纹瓦当 248
Eaves Tile with Decorative Patterns Resembling Nets & Clouds
277 网心云纹瓦当 249
Eaves Tile with Decorative Patterns Resembling Nets & Clouds
278 网心云纹瓦当 249
Eaves Tile with Decorative Patterns Resembling Nets & Clouds
Ending Photos
English explanations