- 交通路线
- 长安与丝绸之路
- 从长安到罗马——汉唐丝路全程探行纪实上
- 从长安到罗马——汉唐丝路全程探行纪实下
- 海上丝路史话
- 丝绸之路史研究
- 早期丝绸之路探微
- 早期丝绸之路文献研究
- 中西丝路文化史
- 沧桑大美丝绸之路
- 传播友谊的丝绸之路
- 路途漫漫丝貂情——明清东北亚丝绸之路研究
- 世界的中国——丝绸之路
- 丝绸之路
- 丝绸之路寻找失落的世界遗产
- 丝绸之路2000年
- 丝绸之路——从西安至帕米尔
- 丝绸之路经济带发展报告2014
- 丝绸之路考古十五讲
- 丝绸之路——神秘古国
- 丝绸之路——沿线城镇的兴衰
- 丝绸之路在中国
- 丝路景观
- 丝路起点长安
- 丝路文化新聚焦
- 丝路之光——创新思维与科技创新实践
- 中国丝绸之路交通史
- 中华文明史话-敦煌史话
- 中国·北海合浦海上丝绸之路始发港理论研讨会论文集
- 丝绸之路
- 丝绸之路新史
- 西域考古文存
- 丝绸之路的起源

Sitting on the west end of the Hexi Corridor,Dunhuang used to be a famous posthouse town on the ancient Silk Road and the west-most city of Gansu Province.Dunhuang area was known as〝San Wei"prior to the Spring and Autumn Period and changed to〝Guazhou"(land of melons)due to its abundant melon products.The current name Dunhuang was adopted in the Han Dynasty,meaning〝large and prosperous".Since its official incorporation as a County in 111 B.C.(6th year of the Yuanding Period during Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty),Dunhuang has been habitually regarded as the border.West of Dunhuang was referred to as the Western Regions.In 619(2nd year of the Wude Period of the Tang Dynasty),Dunhuang was renamed Shazhou(Sand Kingdom),following the Singing Sand Dunes in the south of the city.The three routes of the ancient Silk Road leading to Xinjiang all refer to Dunhuang as the starting point.As all business travellers going either east or west have to go through Dunhuang,it was recoded in history books that all roads to the west converge at Dunhuang.From the Han to the Tang Dynasty,commercial activities and business travels on the Silk Road were quite busy.Dunhuang became a major commercial and trade town.During Tianbao Period of the Tang Dynasty,the population of Dunhuang increased to one hundred and twenty thousand.During the Lantern Festival,the city of Dunhuang was brightly lit and the scale of the spectacular event was only next to the capital city of Chang'an,a full indication of its prosperity.
Dunhuang is also well-known for its Buddhism Grottoes.There are three major grotto sites in Dunhuang,i.e.Mogao Grottoes(Thousand Buddha Caves),Yulin Grottoes(Ten Thousand Buddha Valley)and West Thousand Buddha Caves.Located twenty-five kilometers southeast of the city,the Mogao Grottoes site is the largest of the three.Built on the cliff of the east foothill of the Mingsha Mountain,the total length of the grotto site is about 1.6 kilometers.According to records on the Tang Dynasty tablet,construction of the Mogao Grottoes first started in 366(2nd year of the Jianyuan Period during Former Qin)by a monk named Lezun.By Tang Dynasty,there were over a thousand grottoes built on the mountain cliff.With successive generations'efforts,the number of existing grottoes built since the Northern Wei till the Yuan Dynasty amounts to four hundred and ninety-two,entailing over forty-five thousand square meters mural paintings and more than three thousand color sculptures.Nearly sixty thousand pieces of precious cultural relics between the 4th and the 14th centuries have been found from the grottoes by far.In 1987,Mogao Grotto site was listed as a world heritage by UNESCO with the following statement:Mogao Grottoes are located on a strategic point of the Silk Road.Dunhuang was not only the transit hub for east-west trade,but also the merging point for religion,culture and knowledge.The four hundred and ninety-two caves are known to the world for the sculptures and mural paintings they contain,demonstrating the Buddhist art that has lasted for over a thousand years.
Flying Apsaras in Dunhuang Grottoes
In many Mogao caves,there are images of flying Apsaras who are believed to be incarnations of heavenly gods Gandharvas and Kinnara in Buddhism.Their role and responsibility include:playing music and dance for Buddha,emitting fragrance,and offering precious flowers.Based on traditional Chinese legends about immortals,the flying Apsaras images were developed by integrating some features of exotic Buddhist art,the most prominent being the employment of clouds.With floating dresses and ribbons,the Apsaras soar up in the sky in all kinds of postures,vary beautiful and graceful.
The earliest existing flying Apsaras images at Mogao Grottoes were painted during the Northern Liang Period(401-439).With a crown on the head and half-naked upper body,these Apsaras present a slightly stiff bending posture.By Western Wei Period(535-556),the image of flying Apsaras changed into one of a topless beauty,with ribbons draping from the shoulders and a long skirt.The image also wears a necklace.The image began to comply with the then Chinese people's aesthetic preferences:a slender body,delicate features,holding a variety of musical instruments in their slim fingers.The surrounding petals and auspicious clouds present a peaceful scene.Images of the Flying Apsaras became more beautiful and decorative during the Sui Dynasty(581-618).Flying Apsara images depicted during the Tang Dynasty(618-907)are featured by a raised head,upward tilted feet,and dancing skirts and ribbons.With a smiling face,the Apsaras scatter flowers in the sky.They are so light and agile,full of vigor and vitality.They not only embody the Buddhism atmosphere,but also mirror the confidence and optimism of people during the Flourishing Tang Period.
丝绸之路/方明编著.-合肥: 黄山书社, 2013;