- 交通路线
- 长安与丝绸之路
- 从长安到罗马——汉唐丝路全程探行纪实上
- 从长安到罗马——汉唐丝路全程探行纪实下
- 海上丝路史话
- 丝绸之路史研究
- 早期丝绸之路探微
- 早期丝绸之路文献研究
- 中西丝路文化史
- 沧桑大美丝绸之路
- 传播友谊的丝绸之路
- 路途漫漫丝貂情——明清东北亚丝绸之路研究
- 世界的中国——丝绸之路
- 丝绸之路
- 丝绸之路寻找失落的世界遗产
- 丝绸之路2000年
- 丝绸之路——从西安至帕米尔
- 丝绸之路经济带发展报告2014
- 丝绸之路考古十五讲
- 丝绸之路——神秘古国
- 丝绸之路——沿线城镇的兴衰
- 丝绸之路在中国
- 丝路景观
- 丝路起点长安
- 丝路文化新聚焦
- 丝路之光——创新思维与科技创新实践
- 中国丝绸之路交通史
- 中华文明史话-敦煌史话
- 中国·北海合浦海上丝绸之路始发港理论研讨会论文集
- 丝绸之路
- 丝绸之路新史
- 西域考古文存
- 丝绸之路的起源

Kashi is located in the southwestern edge of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.As the westernmost city of China the name Kashi had its origin in the Uygur word Kashgar which has multiple meanings including〝colored brick houses"or〝jade converging land".
Kashi area was ruled by Kingdom〝Shule"which was one of the ancient kingdoms in the Western Regions during pre-Qin times.During the late Qin and early Han period,the area was under the jurisdiction of the Huns.In 119 B.C.,Zhang Qian entered Shule on his mission to connect with the Western Regions.In 60 B.C.,the imperial court of the Han Dynasty set up a Western Regions Frontier Command,Kashi was officially incorporated in the Chinese territory as part of the Western Regions.By Tang Dynasty,Kashi had become an important military stronghold,one of the four towns in Anxi of the Western Regions.Due to geographical proximity,Shule came into contact with Buddhism quite early.According to records in the Book of the Later Han-Western Regions,during the Yuanchu Period(1271-1285)of Emperor An of the Eastern Han Dynasty,uncle of the then Shule king Chen Pan was once repatriated to Dayuezhi as hostage.The Yuezhi king built three monasteries in three places for him to stay in different seasons.Chen Pan was converted to worship Buddhism during his stay there.Later when he returned to Shule andbecame the king,he vigorously promoted Buddhism and enabled its popularization in the kingdom.In 400,when the senior monk Faxian traveled to India he passed Shule.In his book he described the local Buddhist conference.
From the Five Dynasties to the Song Dynasty,Kashi was ruled by the Karahan Empire and the Western Liao Kingdom successively.Kashi was made the capital city of the Karahan Empire.After the successful westwards expedition by Genghis Khan,founder of the Mongol Empire,Kashi was granted to Chagatai,Genghis Khan's second son as his fief.Since the Han Dynasty,the southern,northern and central routes of the Silk Road had all passed through Kashi where it became the meeting point for westbound travels.As the distribution center and transit point of commodities,Kashi played a pivotal role in the development of the Silk Road.Until this day,Kashi still retains many famous historical sites such as the Apak Hoja Tomb(Fragrant Princess Tomb),the Id Kah Mosque,former site of the Yarkant Kingdom,the Moer Pagoda,the Stone City,etc.all of which attracts people to come to Kashi to track down the vicissitudes of history and culture of the Western Regions.
The unique regional environment of desert oasis and the heavy historical and cultural precipitation formed Kashi's unique ancient style and traditional district layout,which was very common in Central Asia,West Asia and China's Western Regions in ancient times,but no longer seen in modern times.As the only existing district bearing typical western region characteristics in ancient times,Kashi's historic old district offers valuable information for the study of cultural development and evolution of cities in the Western Regions in ancient times and the development history of Xinjiang.
Eagle Dance of the Tajiks
As an ancient people in China,the Tajiks mainly live in Tajik Autonomous County of Taxkorgan County in Kashi area of Xinjiang.Eagle dance is a traditional folk dance of the Tajik people mainly for self-entertainment.It is usually performed as a pas de deux during festival seasons or evening parties at home.This dance originated from Tajik ancestors'worship for eagle totem.So the dance movements imitate eagle's action from content to form.When dancing,male and female dancers would sit in a circle,inviting each other to do the dance in pairs.Sometimes several pairs would dance together.The male dancer's movements are vigorous and graceful,simple and rough,imitating a flying eagle by stretching the arms,rocking back and forth,making left and right spins and leaping sideways.The female dancer's steps and postures are similar to her male partner,only slightly smaller and more agile.She usually stretches her hands beyond her head and makes inward or outward rotation movements with her hands.Major musical instruments accompanying the eagle dance are the tambourine and the eagle bone flute.
丝绸之路/方明编著.-合肥: 黄山书社, 2013;